Патроны из болота как новые ! Целая схрон хабара // Юрий Гагарин

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Мы официальный поисковый отряд. Занимаемся поиском и захоронением бойцов РККА, пропавших без вести в годы ВОВ.
Бойцов мы находим, если получается узнаем их имена, ищем родственников и хороним на родной земле со всеми почестями.
Все железо похожее на оружие и боеприпасы остается в лесу, дабы не иметь проблем с законом.В редких случаях некоторые образцы деактивируются прямо в лесу для последующей передачи в музеи.
Мы не занимаемся продажей находок. Нас это не интересует.
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Это не наша работа.Это наше Хобби. Мы занимаемся этим ради интереса и душевного удовлетворения, дабы внести свой вклад в историю не на словах, а делом
Зарплату нам не платят. Часть затрат окупают ролики на Ютюбе и помощь наших друзей подписчиков.
Чтобы делать каждый ролик интересным мы упорно работаем на сьемках и стараемся подавать картинку в самом лучшем качестве, выбирая интересные ракурсы для сьёмки. Для этого мы используем много техники – видеокамеры Sony FDR-AX100E, Sony HDR-PJ650E, Sony FDR-X3000R, и даже экшн-камеры GoPro HERO 3, Kodak Pixpro SP360.
У нас большая команда и для копа мы используем сразу несколько металлоискателей разных производителей, а именно АКА Сигнум и Беркут, Garret AT Pro и Pro pointer, Tesoro Tejon и даже популярный Golden Mask Deep Hunter Pro 2.

В каждом выпуске на канале gagarin мы стараемся рассказать о многих интересных темах как как металлопоиск, коп, золото, клад, блиндаж. Ведь история, археология и находка монет, сами копатели или английское excavation тесно связаны между собой. В поиске кладов мы, кладоискатели, чаще всего ведём раскопки второй мировой войны и в поиске клада иногда сталкиваемся с результатами работы черных копателей, чей промысел – коп по войне, коп по старине, ВОВ. Мы – белые копатели, а точнее кладоискатели, и даже в 2018 году коп и великая отечественная война для нас это как world of tanks для вас, наших зрителей.

Antique wooden sled from 1940 - Restoration

An antique wooden sled from the 1940s got my father when he was little. The sledge lay in the ground all the time. I came across them during the reconstruction of the land. The perfect project for a new video.

The rohačka sleigh, once an integral part of the inventory of every proper mountain cottage in the Giant Mountains or in their foothills before the invasion of motor vehicles, is today a historical curiosity of lively interest for both the local population, weekend cottages and guests of mountain resorts. Their forgotten last specimens are discovered with joy in the various «stalks» of the barns, where they escaped the orderly and liquidating attention of previous generations. The sent glory of wild rooster rides to us is heard not only from written records taken in the last century, but sometimes also occasionally from the mouths of witness narrators. After all, even after the Second World War, wood was approached in some parts of the mountains by them. It is generally said that this versatile and simple means of transport was already known and used by Gendorfs lumberjacks, which Mr. Kryštof brought from the Alps and settled in the Giant Mountains in the 16th century. Rohačky were used mainly in winter, but they often came to honor even in summer on steep slopes during haymaking.

The first written descent on a sledge took place in 1737 during the return from the expedition to the Little State. The report of the first purely tourist exit has been preserved from 1815. It was on a 7 km long route, leading from the border hut on the Przełęcz Okraj saddle (Grenzbaude) to the Pod Złotą Gwiazdą inn in Kowary. This attraction was constantly gaining new fans. In 1896, about 3,000 stag beetles and the same number of draft horses were prepared for tourists. An association of carriages was even formed, defending their interests and regulating fares on individual routes. Additional infrastructure has been developed, new border crossings and customs have been set up. Tourism became a mass affair, which was undoubtedly influenced by the commissioning of railway lines connecting the Giant Mountains with Berlin and Wrocław in 1866. Winter sleigh rides, similar to the summer ascent to Sněžka, were among the most popular tourist attractions in the Giant Mountains. Fares, depending on the length of the route, ranged from 5 to 16 marks and followed a fixed price list.

Josef Tylš, a forester from Červený vrch, came up with the idea of ​​resuming rides on old timber sleighs from Malá Úpa to Kowar, which were run here at the beginning of the 19th century to amuse the manor and increase the money of the highlanders. Under his leadership, in 1999, the editorial office became the organizer of the zero — trial congress from customs to Kowar. And the descents to Kowary are held regularly, the beginning is not in Pomezní Boudy, but about 3 km lower in the direction of Kowary. The goal is then in Jelenia Góra.

In January 2016, the first rohaček race was held directly in Malá Úpa.
(source: malaupa.cz/blog/2016/01/15/rohacky/)

If you have any information, you can share it with others on my Facebook page:


If you have any questions about the process, use machines or other things, ask me in the comments. I try to answer everyone and as soon as possible.

Im sorry for my bad English, its not my language.

Im uploading videos about restoring mechanical things. Im uploading videos about the restoration of old wooden things. I fix things as best I can. I am self-taught. Therefore, if some procedures are wrong, forgive me. Thank you.

If you like this renewal, share and send :)

Thanks for the advice on how to improve this channel!

youtube channel www.youtube.com/user/veradona1

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Thank you Veronika and Radek

Veronikas new channel about cooking and baking: www.youtube.com/channel/UCfEr2fPoAF0GVBuxUmSu2Iw/videos

Restauración de carabina gamo de aire comprimido

В этом видео я восстанавливаю пневматическую винтовку гамо, которую они собирались выбросить, я экспериментирую с двумя техниками воронения, холодным и горячим воронением, в конце концов мне повезло, и я получил б / у ложу практически бесплатно, надеюсь, вы развлекай и нравится!
Я оставляю вам ссылку, где можно купить жидкость, которую я использую для холодной очистки, я не знаю, какова будет сделка в этом магазине, потому что я не покупаю ее там, но там я видел ее дешевле:

Restoration of a rare vintage ww2 military watch - nickel and chrome plating - Sanford AS1123

This time I´m restoring an old military watch from the WW2-Era.
It´s a Sanford with an AS 1123 movement.

The watch is in a really bad condition. The chrome-plating of the case is heavy damaged, the glass is scratched the movement is full of dirt and stops repeatedly.

I need to grind off the old chrome. After sanding and polishing the case, it´s ready for a new chrome-plating. But i need to add a layer of nickel before. The glass will be polished and the movement cleaned. Unfortunately the old radium-compound on the hands fell off so i need to re-lume the hands with super-luminova. I will add some coffee to it to make it more «vintage-looking».

After everything is cleaned, polished and re-plated, I can re-assemble the movement with some fresh oil. After that, this watch is in a good beat ( 6 seconds per day) again.

I hope you liked this restoration, if so, like, comment and subscribe ;)

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«Our Volunteers Waltz» by United States Marine Band
«Et Voila» by Chris Haugen


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Acrylic Glass Polishing Compound: amzn.to/2XIP8vF **
Case Polishing Diamond Paste: amzn.to/2Ye1MSo **
Case Polishing Wadding: amzn.to/2UlNfme **
Thermo-Tape: amzn.to/30YktME **
Fiber Glass Pen: amzn.to/2AQfpzi **
UV-Lamp: amzn.to/3iuOSJ8 **
UV-Glue: amzn.to/3ghGSZK **
Rodico: amzn.to/3eWtTN2 **
Multi-Purpose Watch-Repair-Kit: amzn.to/2XIQ7Mn **
Multitool: amzn.to/2BNryW9 **
Buffing Wheels for Multitool: amzn.to/30gJCSF **
My Camera: amzn.to/32er4BJ **

** Affiliate Links
Disclaimer: This video and description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. This help support the channel and allows me to continue to make videos like this. Thank you for the support!

Broken Deadlocked Vise - Perfect Restoration (I did it again)

I bought this vise pretty much 1.5 years ago together with the other Gressel bench vise I already restored and made a video. I also payed $20 for this one. Since then it was laying aroung in my basement. I always knew that Ill restore this one as well, just because its a Gressel and it will totally worth to safe it from the trash.
This one wasnt that rusty like the other one, but it was also completely deadlocked. The handle was beaten up and bent. The jaws, some screws and two pieces to hold the spindle were missing. The pin that secures the spindle from turning was broken. Because of all that the spindle fell out. This vise has two threads and two concentric bushings to keep the jaws in place. Talking to Gressel I found out that this method was only produced until 1960, so its at least 60 years old now. It could be from 1943, as both parts had a „43“ stamped on them. As these original jaws are getting no longer produced, I decided to drill an extra hole between the threads to be able to use new jaws. Gressel was so nice to send me new flat jaws. All the bare surfaces were in really bad condition due to heavy use, thats why I decided to weld up material and clean all these surfaces on the milling machine. I replaced the handle with a new one, but I used the old rounded ends again which turned out great. I later secured the ends with Loctite when reassembling. I also made the two missing screws and the broken pin out of the old handle. I choose to paint the whole vise the same color as the movable jaws from the new Gressel vises are, cobalt blue (RAL5013). I think it turned out very well, the white lettering, the shiny bare spots and the black parts match very well.

I hope you like my work and the video.

Huge thank you to all of my Patreon and PayPal supporters and specially to:

Adel AlSaffar
David Barker
Muzaffer Aksoy
Vince Valenti
Yale Baker
Alan Hanson
alex latzko
Amanda Taylor, Esq
Andreas Mimra
Andreswara Hermawan
Andrew Phillips
Anthony Adams
Arni Bjorgvinsson
Courtney Maleport
Cristian Zorilla
Dan Williams
Dre Gilley
Harper Kim
Hunter R.
JD Smith
Jessica Alexander
Joel Miller
Jonas Richartz
Marc Cercier
Martin Rønnow Klarlund
Mauricio Pacheco
Mellissa Marcus
Mellissa McConnell
Nick Cannon
Paul Ambry
Paul Mampilly
Risky Deem
Robert Everich
Trevor Kam
TRG Restoration
웅록 윤


00:00 preview
00:44 disassembling
02:45 showing all the parts
02:53 cleaning the parts with the parts washer
03:11 removing the old bushings
04:24 sandblasting
05:17 restoring the fix jaw
07:57 restoring the movable jaw
09:45 restoring the ends of the handle
10:37 making a new handle on the lathe
11:48 restoring the spindle nut
13:15 restoring the spindle nut holder plate
14:05 making two new screws for the plate on the lathe and milling machine
15:27 restoring the spindle
16:21 making a new pin for the spindle on the lathe
17:04 making the missing parts for the spindle on the lathe and milling machine
18:12 applying filler
18:52 painting
19:41 showing the new jaws
19:54 showing the new hardened pins
19:57 showing all parts before reassembling
20:09 reassembling
22:26 showing the finished restoration
23:22 final test
23:49 Patreon supporters

Time and costs of this restoration:

I was working on this project for 2 weeks
$20 vise
$20 2k primer
$30 2k coat cobalt blue (RAL5013)
$30 steel for new parts

My camera:
Panasonic HC-V180

If you have any questions about the process, machines im using or other stuff, just ask me in the comments. I read them all and i try to reply as soon as possible.

Sorry for my bad english, its not my language. I try my best to improve my technical english.

Subscribe for more of my content. Im uploading videos about mechanical stuff, as new creations and buildings and also restorations.

Thank you for watching :-)

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Antique Rusty Hand Plane - Restoration

In this video im restoring an antique Stanley hand plane.

My friend has found this very old Stanley hand plane at the steel waste. When I saw it the first time at his place I wanted to restore it immediately, so I bought it for $10. This Stanley no. 122 hand plane was manufactured from 1877 until 1918, its at least 101 years old. This plane is from the „liberty bell“ series, they were first produced in 1876 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the American Declaration of Independence (1776). Thats the reason why the liberty bell is imprinted on the lever cap.
As Im not a woodworker at all and Ive never used a hand plane before in my life, I had to do a lot of research how this thing even works to understand the function of each part. It turned out that the iron and the backing iron were assembled wrongly and there was also one part missing, which holds both of these parts together. As the iron was an original Stanley part, it wasnt the correct one for this plane. The bigger hole in the slot was on the wrong end, thats why I made a new one.
I tried to keep as many parts as possible original on this restoration. I only replaced two small screws, made the missing part and a new iron.

I hope you like my work and the video.

Huge thank you to all of my Patreon and PayPal supporters and specially to:

Noelle Sophy
Matthew Holcomb
Adel AlSaffar
Alan Hanson
Amanda Taylor, Esq
Andreswara Hermawan
Andrew Phillips
Courtney Maleport
Dan Williams
Jonas Richartz
Mellissa Marcus
Paul Ambry
Paul Mampilly
Trevor Kam
TRG Restoration
Vince Valenti
Zachary Grimes


00:00 preview
00:37 disassembling
02:08 showing all the parts
02:24 cleaning the parts with the parts washer
02:40 removing the old paint with paint stripper
03:13 soaking the parts in rust remover
03:28 washing the wooden parts with warm soapy water
03:47 showing the cleaned parts
03:55 restoring the wooden body
05:59 removing the stuck thread
06:27 restoring the cast body
06:53 restoring the lever cap
07:06 restoring the lever
07:30 restoring the lever cap screw
07:47 sandblasting
09:01 applying filler
09:29 applying two component primer
09:42 applying two component black coat
10:05 restoring the shaft with slot
10:39 restoring the pin from the lever
11:00 making a new iron on the milling machine
12:22 hardening and tempering the iron
13:30 restoring the backing iron
14:02 restoring the depth adjuster part
14:29 restoring the nut
14:53 making the missing part on the lathe
15:51 making the three small parts black
16:10 restoring the wooden knob
17:05 restoring the big screw from the wooden knob
17:27 replacing the two small screws
17:54 showing all the parts before reassembling
18:12 reassembling
20:16 showing the finished restoration
21:17 final test

Time and costs of this restoration:

I was working on this project for 2.5 weeks
$10 hand plane
$40 painting (primer and black coat)
$5 steel for the iron
$1 two small screws

My camera:
Panasonic HC-V180

If you have any questions about the process, machines im using or other stuff, just ask me in the comments. I read them all and i try to reply as soon as possible.

Sorry for my bad english, its not my language. I try my best to improve my technical english.

Subscribe for more of my content. Im uploading videos about mechanical stuff, as new creations and buildings and also restorations.

Thank you for watching :-)

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1940s Marx Seversky P35 Toy Fighter Airplane Restoration

I purchased this 1940s Marx Seversky P-35 Toy Fighter Plane on eBay November of 2020. It was missing the propeller and prop mount up front, the paint was basically gone and rusted away. The rear wheel had been replaced with a really poor rubber wheel. Overall this was a perfect restoration candidate. I made many new parts and nickel plated most of them. The propeller mount I made out of a tube and capped it then powder coated it. My sand blaster clogged up a little bit during filming and I had to take it all apart to clean it out. Thanks again for watching!

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Watch my Previous Videos Here
1959 Tonka Fire Truck Restoration Suburban pumper White youtu.be/JnmL3xTCLCg
1963 Tonka Tow Truck Restoration youtu.be/eLAj0qjUS9A
1965-66 Tonka Farm Stake Truck Restoration youtu.be/cXBK-GAp73M
1961 Tonka Sportsman Truck Restoration youtu.be/gA-WcXTubXY
1967 Tonka Dump Truck Restoration Blue youtu.be/E4DvfbHxKoo
1961 Tonka Pickup Truck Restoration Mint Blue youtu.be/UXpYmThn604
1960 Tonka AA Tow Truck Restoration youtu.be/465sTUobrS0
1960 Tonka Stepside Pickup Truck Restoration Brown youtu.be/VJiRcIXdQD0
1962 Tonka Dump Truck Restoration Green

Broken Rusty Lock with Missing Key - Restoration

In this video im restoring an old broken and rusty Padlock.

This Padlock was sent to me by one of my subsrcibers from Italy. Right when I saw the picture I knew I want to restore this lock and I was impatiently waiting for the package to arrive. I found out that his padlock was made in Germany by Kamp in the 1930s. The lock was very rusty, the key was missing and it seemed to be broken. It was also very rusty inside, all moving parts were stuck and the closing mechanism was broken. Due to the amount of damage on the case due to rust I decided to paint it. This way I can use filler to achieve a nice finish, otherwise Id had to sand all pitting off and there was just not enough material left to do so. The plates from the mechanism were damaged a lot too, but they were all still functional. So I only removed all sharp edges and gave them a nice bluing finish for rust protection. The aluminium part, where the key comes in was damaged a lot too and had a lot of play in the case. If I would sand it clean it would get even more play. For those reasons I decided to make a new one, I choose bronze because it would fit better to the overall look at the end. Making the key was quite a challenge, but it turned out very well and it actually worked. In my opinion the padlock turned out very well and Im very happy with the endresult.

I hope you like my work and the video.

Huge thank you to all of my Patreon and PayPal supporters and specially to:

Daniele Castoldi
Tyler Nelson
Ricardo David
Adel AlSaffar
Alan Hanson
Amanda Taylor, Esq
Andreswara Hermawan
Andrew Phillips
Courtney Maleport
Dan Williams
Dre Gilley
Ethan Hartley
Hunter R.
JD Smith
Jonas Richartz
Mellissa Marcus
Nick Cannon
Paul Ambry
Paul Mampilly
Shawn Daniels
Trevor Kam
TRG Restoration
Vince Valenti
Yale Baker
Zachary Grimes


00:00 preview
00:39 disassembling
02:09 showing all the parts
02:22 cleaning the parts with the parts washer
02:50 sandblasting
03:29 restoring the case
06:18 restoring the shackle
07:38 making two brass parts to support the shackle sideways
08:17 restoring the plates
08:58 remaking the broken part
10:09 making a new spring
10:53 making new pins on the lathe
11:37 making three rings for the blind rivets
12:08 making a new front cover
13:34 making a new part for the key on the lathe and mill
15:19 making a new key
18:12 showing the parts before reassembling
18:31 reassembling
20:25 showing the finished restoration
21:05 final test

Time and costs of this restoration:

I was working on this project for 2 week
$10 steel for the frontplate and closing mechanism
$10 steel for the pins and key
$50 paint
$25 rivets

My camera:
Panasonic HC-V180

If you have any questions about the process, machines im using or other stuff, just ask me in the comments. I read them all and i try to reply as soon as possible.

Sorry for my bad english, its not my language. I try my best to improve my technical english.

Subscribe for more of my content. Im uploading videos about mechanical stuff, as new creations and buildings and also restorations.

Thank you for watching :-)

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