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101 Facts About Cars

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Did you know that Volkswagen’s best selling product has nothing to do with cars? Do you know what the “FQ” on Mitsubishi EVO FQ400 stands for? Do you know what’s the largest speeding fine ever?
Hi guys, I’m Stype and this is 101 fact you didn’t know about cars. Probably.

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@Tomley RC — bit.ly/37iYcMM
@erclassicsholland — bit.ly/31whc5S
@KGF Classic Cars — bit.ly/31hWKXR
@Lou Costabile — www.youtube.com/loucostabile
@Exotic Motorsports of Oklahoma — bit.ly/320gX59
@The German Motor Group — bit.ly/3jXzTXY

Mercedes S-Class 2021 review - the best car EVER?

Need help buying your next car? Click www.carwow.co.uk/help-me-carwow and my team and I will help you choose your ideal car at a fair price — from Mat Watson!

It’s the review you’ve all been waiting for… the all-new Mercedes S-Class!

It’s the car Mat’s been waiting for oh-so-long to test drive, but will it be worth the wait? Well in this in-depth review, he’ll be taking you over every inch of this new luxury limousine to see whether it has what it takes to compete with its predecessors.

When it comes to performance, we already know it’s packing a number of petrol, diesel and hybrid options. For our UK viewers, our petrol options are currently topped off by the S500, which is a 3-litre straight-six turbo that can produce 435hp. But if you’re after more power, you’ll want to choose the hybrid S580e, where the 3-litre straight-six is joined by an electric motor to produce 510hp! But if were being honest, we’re all waiting for the upcoming AMG S63, which will have a twin-turbo V8 and be able to put down over 600hp!

So performance is all well and good, but let’s face it, you’re all probably more excited by the interior! But will it live up to its high expectations? And more importantly, just how good is the infotainment system on that HUGE centre console screen? Well, there’s only one way to find out… Stay right here for Mat’s all-new in-depth review!

00:00 Intro
00:41 Exterior Design
02:45 Interior Design

Why Its Almost Impossible For Cars To Go 300 Miles Per Hour

In 2019, the Bugatti Chiron Super Sport 300 became the first production car to drive 300 mph. This was almost 15 years after the Bugatti Veyron became the first to reach 250. So why did it take so long for automakers to build a car just 50 mph faster? We explore what makes 300 mph such a difficult benchmark to reach and what automakers like Bugatti have been doing to chase it.

How The Mustang Evolved Over 56 Years, From Sports Car To EV
How The 2020 C8 Corvette Was Designed
$45 Million Car Collection Has Over 420 Cars


#Cars #Bugatti #CarsInsider

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Why Its Almost Impossible For Cars To Go 300 Miles Per Hour

Skoda Superb - Уточняем Диагноз!

Проверка истории автомобиля на Авто.ру — bit.ly/2Uy8Zug
Подбор и проверка автомобилей с гарантией — bit.ly/2N9UclH

Предложить автомобиль на обзор — avtokriminalist.test@yandex.ru

Skoda Superb хотели обменять на новый автомобиль у официального дилера. При проверке автомобиля у приёмщика возникли подозрения в юридической чистоте автомобиля. Владельцу сказали, что у автомобиля возможно изменен номер кузова и подделан ПТС, так же есть подозрения на замену кузова. Владелец обратился ко мне, чтобы я проверил автомобиль и рассказал, что со Skoda Superb на самом деле.

#skoda #МаксимШелков #автокриминалист

Dougs Top 10 Car Stories

Dougs Hour Long AMA — youtu.be/A9zMDfVzA4c

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