
Hydro Handle Demonstrational Video

The ergonomically designed Hydro-Handle™ delivers a controlled water stream to a variety of accessories turning your cordless drill into a powerful water feed drilling and polishing machine. Pair the Hydro-Handle™ with the Hydro-Handle™ sintered diamond drill bits, electroplated diamond drill bits, profile wheels and polishing pads to complete dozens of projects with your cordless drill.

Glasschneider GLAS-EX TURBO - einfaches und schnelles Glasmanagement

Kurzes Einführungsvideo mit den vielen Vorteilen unseres neuen Glasschneiders GLAS-EX TURBO.

Er passt durch die universelle und stabile Aufnahme auf jeden Akku-Schrauber und schneidet von diesem angetrieben Verbundglasscheiben bis 10 mm Stärke problemlos, schnell und effektiv.

Mehr erkunden unter: www.weber-rescue-shop.com/shop/detail/index/sArticle/439

Slug-Out Driver - Gardner Bender

Enhance the tool you own with Gardner Bender®s new Slug-Out™ Knockout Driver. Turn your ordinary everyday cordless drill into a powerful knockout driver. You win--with the versatile dual drive, durable all metal construction and powerful gear design! Save time, hassle and money, with Gardner Bender.

Versatile. Durable. Powerful.

Gardner Bender Website

The Malco TurboCrimper® Impact Driver Attachment

The TurboCrimper® Impact driver attachment is designed to work with a minimum 12 volt DC cordless or maximum 7 amp AC corded IMPACT DRIVER. No setup or adjustment is needed. Immediately begin crimping multiple sizes, types, and thicknesses of round metal duct (Including spiral duct and metal stove pipe). It’s also easy to balance while using and stores comfortably in a pouch or bag when not in use.

Follow us on social media for all things Malco:
Instagram: bit.ly/Malco_IG
Facebook: bit.ly/Malco_FB
Twitter: bit.ly/Malco_Twitter

MAKITA Impact GOLD™ The New Gold Standard in Impact Driving

Insert bits are clearly lagging behind the increased fastening power of high torque impact drivers, and the result is more broken bits and more wasted time for contractors. Makita has delivered a solution with new technology that revolutionizes fastening applications with up to 10-times longer bit life and superior fitment to prevent cam-out and stripped screws. Impact GOLD™ is a new line of insert bits, bit holders, double-ended power bits, nutsetters, sockets, and socket adapters designed exclusively for high-torque impact drivers. Impact GOLD™ is the new Gold Standard in Impact Driving.

For more: www.makitatools.com/en-us/Modules/Accessories/ImpactGOLD/

Part Numbers:
B-34936, B-34942, B-34958, B-42569, B-34964, B-39578, B-39584, B-39590, B-39609, B-39615, B-39621, B-39637, B-35047, B-42684, B-35053, B-42690, B-35069, B-42709, B-35097, B-35106, B-35075, B-35081

Follow Makita!

Facebook: www.facebook.com/MakitaToolsPage
Twitter: twitter.com/MakitaTools
Instagram: www.instagram.com/MakitaTools
YouTube: www.youtube.com/MakitaPowerTools

kwb pivoting bit holder with magnet

The Triple Fix quick-change bit holder has a swivel-mounted ball head to install screws with a portable electric drill also at inaccessible spots, where the machine´s drill chuck would be a hindrance. The swivel-mounted ball head can be deactivated by retracting the loose guide sleeve and used as standard bit holder. Hexagon adapter 1/4“ according to ISO 1173, with a strong permanent neodymium magnet, snap ring, quick-change function, single-hand operation. Bit release simply by retraction of the metal sleeve, hexagon 1/4“ adapter shaft according to ISO 1173, E 6.3

Item number: 100200
More information at: www.kwb.eu

Amazing Welding Tools

Join us as we take a look at the fascinating and oddly satisfying world of welding.
Welding is a fabrication process that joins materials, usually metals or thermoplastics,
by using high heat to melt the parts together and allowing them to cool, causing fusion.
The art of being a good welder is to love your work and learn from your experience. It truly is a sought after talent. Let’s watch as we see just how oddly satisfying and fascinating the world of welding really is!

We hope you enjoy this review of Amazing Welding Tools!

See below for a full list of acknowledgment:

Instagram: www.instagram.com/rollingbombfab/

Instagram: www.instagram.com/laserstartechnologies/
Youtube: www.youtube.com/channel/UC_ANOvZ42FsoKTWITTnHyzA
Web: www.laserstar.net/en/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LaserStarTechnologies/
Email: sales@laserstar.net
Phone: ( 1 407 248 1142)
Other: twitter.com/LaserStarNews
Video: youtu.be/YNGuALnRQe0

Instagram: www.instagram.com/metalart_sculpture/
Other: www.aldeianissi.com/

Instagram: www.instagram.com/leadworx_supplies/
Youtube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCfyk9L81sYDYl8U56xL456Q
Web: www.leadworx.co.uk/
Email: info@leadworx.co.uk
Phone: ( 44 7472 086690)

Youtube: www.youtube.com/channel/UC8-HazoFNvjmBaccbezf3xw
Web: www.cruxweld.com/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/weldingmachinemanufacturers/
Shop: www.cruxweld.com/category/resistance-welding-equipments/spot-welder/pneumatic-spot-welder/
Phone: ( 91 8800882983)
Other: twitter.com/cruxweld

Instagram: www.instagram.com/rl.works/
Youtube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCsRVQSRpEj8nT_r9MsAm19Q/
Email: k.nakamura@rl-works.com
Phone: ( 81 80 3036 0911)

Youtube: www.youtube.com/channel/UChqHCNcHMmH4qfPbbtDMX3Q
Web: www.arcenergy.co.uk/
Email: sales@arcenergy.co.uk
Phone: ( 44 1453 823 523)
Other: www.linkedin.com/company/arc-energy-resources-ltd/
Video: youtu.be/Zc3Fu1AVCjc

Instagram: www.instagram.com/leaditbe/
Web: www.leaditbe.co.uk/
Email: leaditbe@hotmail.com
Phone: ( 44 7481 851977)
Video: www.instagram.com/p/Bi6HigPgi7i/

Instagram: www.instagram.com/peslaser/
Youtube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCzsUZO4k4X7artGkrCpA3HA
Web: www.cnptengineering.com/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/zack.zhu.7330
Email: info@pantaengineering.com
Phone: ( 86 18856420577)
Video: youtu.be/rsTBPh2vKL4

富润机电冷焊机 王
Phone: ( 86 18562769173)
Other: Kuaishou ID: 425167585

Instagram: www.instagram.com/kanekid/
Youtube: www.youtube.com/channel/UC_VnX0RRVv00Orb8_AtiQbA
Web: www.kaneindustries.co/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/kanekidwelds/
Shop: the-rush-kane-store.myteespring.co/
Email: info@rushkane.com

Instagram: www.instagram.com/p/CA8ZGIJl9Cj/

Instagram: www.instagram.com/twi_ltd/
Youtube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCVyzolRz8436963AmklQM4Q
Web: www.twi-global.com/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/TwiLtd/
Other: twitter.com/twi_ltd

Instagram: www.instagram.com/i_am_girlwelder/ | www.instagram.com/russian_girlwelder/
Youtube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCc1qBgwey6cTuwBUVPnvQZg
Email: girlswhoweld@mail.ru

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