Disassembling and full restoration of Red Wing 8111 Iron Ranger boots.
Инстаграмм: www.instagram.com/bootfury/
Вы увидите, как разобрать обувь на части, сделать новую обувную колодку, аналогичную оригиналу, как заменить износившиеся детали, изменив размер и полноту. Классический рант с экспериментальной дополнительной гидроизоляцией.
Композиция «I Am Running Down the Long Hallway of Viewmont Elementary» принадлежит исполнителю Chris Zabriskie. Лицензия: Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Оригинальная версия: chriszabriskie.com/honor/.
Исполнитель: chriszabriskie.com/
Видео для начинающих. Я показываю, как делаю из кедрового бруска резную ложку, которую не стыдно и подарить.
Многие спрашивают и просят показать что-то попроще, думаю, что проще ложки нет ничего))).
Поддержать канал и мастерскую можно тут: money.yandex.ru/to/41001881182083
the best way to graft with a drill www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUvRuxzBIcI
прививка дрелью на яблоне через год www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAfvEBTXVL8 www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiwYVRQEjNE
может ли привой в первый год дать плод? я не знаю, интересуюсь, возможно ли такое? в видео показал как прививаю сливу с использованием шуруповерта и второй метод прививки на кору обычным способом. показываю что стало с привоями через десять дней. результат.
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#grafting #grafting_with_drill #прививка
Handmade knife from an old file. There I try to show all steps of this knife making.
00:00 — observing an old file
00:14 — cutting off the handle
00:32 — annealing the file
00:41 — glueing the templates
00:50 — cutting the file with angle grinder
02:18 — shaping it with belt grinder
03:20 — driling and shaping hole
04:19 — making bevels
04:52 — sanding with dremel
05:18 — hardening and tempering the knife
05:37 — fine grinding
06:21 — sanding the blade
06:44 — sharpening
06:58 — knife overview
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Before this guitar was started, I made a trip to the Dutch Archtop Guitar Museum in Dalfsen, Netherlands to make plans of a 1934 Gibson L5. This guitar in particular was important, as in ~1985 Ken Parker x-braced the soundboard, as well as reshaped the back and neck. In 2003, Ken Parker revolutionized the archtop guitar with his adjustable neck system. I was introduced to this neck system by one of my tutors from Newark College — Jamie Swannell of Swannell guitars. With some guidance from him over the past few years, I have developed a cosmetically similar but technically different version of his system. My goal with this guitar was to blend traditional aesthetic and modern innovations. This video is the result of four months of work; I hope you enjoy it!
If you are interested in purchasing this guitar, get in touch via my website here:
Radian Tools for sending their incredible 3 flute rebate router bit. They are definitely worth checking out if youve had enough with cheap bits and poor finishes!
Ruurd at the Dutch Archtop Guitar Museum for allowing me to make plans of his 1934 Gibson L5. I spent a wonderful afternoon looking through his vast collection of archtop guitars. There was even an unfinished Benedetto!
Jamie Swannell for keeping me sane and pointing me in the right direction with the adjustable mechanism. Jamie makes some of the most elegant and nuanced (something I know nothing about) guitars Ive ever seen and I highly recommend checking out his work!