КРУТОЙ игровой ноутбук — clck.ru/RmTTB
легкий, мощный и защищенный!
Обзор и тест-драйв легендарного Урала! Это лучший в мире мотоцикл с коляской и единственный в мире мотоцикл с полным приводом. Как и 79 лет назад Уралы делаются в Ирбите (Свердловская область, 200 км от Екатеринбурга), но сейчас идут в основном на экспорт.
Официальные цены:
Урал СИТИ 2020 — от 798 000 руб.
Урал Gear Up 2020 (2WD) — от 879 000 руб.
Обзоры новых моделей смартфонов 2019 и 2020 года, сравнения Apple iPhone, Samsung Galaxy, Xiaomi и Huawei; Android и iOS, беспроводные наушники, ноутбуки и дроны, дешевые китайские гаджеты и недорогая техника с Aliexpress, тест-драйвы электромобилей, репортажи с производств и сравнения цен на технику.
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Last time I scrolled through eBays antique section, this nice little antique kitchen scale caught my attention at the first sight. It was a little bit expensive with a price tag of $75, but I didnt even thought twice about buying it. I fell in love with it right away.
The paint looked very bad, it also had some dents and some signs of its age. It was still working and had a new screw added, I guess someone quickly fixed it before selling. The plate did sit way too loose on the top part, that made me suspicious that it isnt the original one. After disassemling I thought this will be a very quick and easy restoration, but one thing came after the other and it tourned out to be the most challenging one ive done on this channel so far.
I wanted to have a super glossy and perfect paint job. For that reason I applied three coats of high build primer after the regular primer and filler. Wet sanding with 400 and 800 grit made the base super smooth and perfectly even. Then it was time to apply two coats of light ivory. After it dried I masked it again and painted the brillant blue. The paint turned out absolutely amazing.
The old glass cover was too messed up to even try to clean it. I milled a new one on the tiny cnc-milling machine. Instead of painting the back of it gold, I decided to mill a brass foil to put it underneath. I cut some threads into the housing and fixed the class with fake rivets in a brushed look.
The whole mechanism of the scale needed much attention. I had to remake some parts that got destroyed during the disassembly. But the most difficult parts were definitely the aluminium part and the paper scale. This was my first attempt ever in metal spinning. After a few tries I knew how to do it and I was able to make an absolutely perfect part. The scale was warped due to the disassembly with water, so I had to make a new one from scratch. It required a lot of math to calculate all the diameters and angles, but it turned out very well.
I spent a long time thinking about the plate. After my success with the metal spinning of the aluminium part I decided to try to make a new one out of a copper sheet. I made a negative form as a template out of wood and than spinn the copper sheet on it to a plate. After a failed tries, I suceed. The key point was to heat the sheet up before hand to make it soft. I then sanded it all clean and soldered a ring on the back.
The plate, The scale with the aluminium part and the glass cover with the brass foil were definitely my personal highlights of this restoration. I think this is definitely one of the most favourite project Ive done so far. It was very challenging and I had to learn many new skills to get the job done. After all Im very happy with this restoration.
I hope you like my work and the video.
Huge thank you to all of my Patreon and PayPal supporters and specially to:
Yale Baker
Adel AlSaffar
Courtney Maleport
David Barker
Derek Russ
Justin Power
Mellissa Marcus
Muzaffer Aksoy
Paul Mampilly
Vince Valenti
Alan Hanson
alex latzko
Allen Frank
Amanda Taylor, Esq
Andreas Mimra
Andreswara Hermawan
Andrew Phillips
Anthony Adams
Arni Bjorgvinsson
Chad Bryant
Cristian Zorilla
Damian Rickard
Dan Williams
Dre Gilley
Harper Kim
Hunter R.
JD Smith
Jessica Alexander
Jonas Richartz
Jozette Soto
justin f.
Kelly Imgrund
Marc Cerisier
Martin Rønnow Klarlund
Mellissa McConnell
Michael Bier
Mike Donaldson
Nick Cannon
Pasacal Schmikal
Paul Ambry
Risky Deem
Robert Everich
Scott Marshall
Stuart Mitchell
The Carlsons
Trevor Kam
웅록 윤
Time and costs of this restoration:
I was working on this project for 4 weeks
$25 kitchen scale
$20 2k primer
$30 high build primer
$30 2k coat light ivory
$30 2k coat brillant blue
$25 brass foil
$5 transparent plastic
$10 copper sheet
$5 aluminium sheet
My camera:
Panasonic HC-V180
If you have any questions about the process, machines im using or other stuff, just ask me in the comments. I read them all and i try to reply as soon as possible.
Sorry for my bad english, its not my language. I try my best to improve my technical english.
Subscribe for more of my content. Im uploading videos about mechanical stuff, as new creations and buildings and also restorations.
Handmade knife from an old file. There I try to show all steps of this knife making.
00:00 — observing an old file
00:14 — cutting off the handle
00:32 — annealing the file
00:41 — glueing the templates
00:50 — cutting the file with angle grinder
02:18 — shaping it with belt grinder
03:20 — driling and shaping hole
04:19 — making bevels
04:52 — sanding with dremel
05:18 — hardening and tempering the knife
05:37 — fine grinding
06:21 — sanding the blade
06:44 — sharpening
06:58 — knife overview
Thanks for watching!
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