Opel Grandland X 2020 одобрен ортопедами! ПОДРОБНО О ГЛАВНОМ

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Цены и акции на Opel Grandland X 2020 www.major-auto.ru/models/opel/grandland_x

0:00 введение
0:52 комплектация, фары
2:05 особенности ДВС
2:57 коробка передач
3:21 особенности привода
4:02 подкапотное пространство и опасная штука
4:56 габариты
5:28 гарантия и ТО
6:00 варианты дисков
6:49 варианты цветов и из чего сделан кузов
7:40 пассажирская дверь
8:27 особенности интерьера и варианты отделки
8:55 варианты сидений
12:33 второй ряд сидений
16:27 безопасность
17:06 крышка багажника, фаркоп, багажное отделение
20:28 габариты багажного отделения
21:30 руль
22:37 круиз контроль
22:55 теплые опции
23:23 подлокотник
24:03 беспроводная зарядка
24:20 интеллектуальный передний привод
24:49 ручной тормоз больше не ручной
25:11 климат контроль и вентиляция сидений
25:43 мультимедийная система
27:20 акустическая система
27:50 камеры
28:28 помощники
39:45 минута субъективности

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2019 Mercedes EQC 400 4MATIC ► Drive

Driving modes: The driver has a choice of drive strategies

The power consumption and range of electric vehicles greatly depend on the driving style. The EQC supports its driver with driving modes that have different characteristics. In the more economical driving modes, the haptic accelerator pedal that prompts the driver to conserve power plays an important role.

The following programs are available:

COMFORT: Default setting; accelerator pedal characteristic supports a comfortable driving style, but also automatically becomes more dynamic depending on the driving style.
ECO: Driving program focused on high efficiency and low consumption.
MAX RANGE: Intelligent driving program that can help the driver achieve the maximum possible range.
SPORT: Driving program focused on the best response for the highest driving performance.
INDIVIDUAL: There is also an individual driving program which allows the various parameters to be adjusted separately.
One-pedal driving: manual selection of braking recuperation

The driver is also able to influence the recuperation level using so-called paddles behind the steering wheel. The paddle on the left increases the level of recuperation, the paddle on the right reduces it. The following stages are available:

D Auto (recuperation via ECO Assist to suit the situation)
D (coasting)
D (low recuperation)
D — (medium recuperation)
D — - (high recuperation). This makes one-pedal driving possible, because in most situations the recuperative deceleration is enough not to require operation of the brake pedal.
ECO Assist: Intelligent efficiency through the use of sensor fusion

Predictive driving for economy — the ECO Assist assistance system comprehensively supports drivers in implementing this effective efficiency strategy: by prompting the driver when it is appropriate to come off the accelerator, e.g. because the vehicle is approaching a speed limit, and by functions such as coasting and specific control of recuperation. For this purpose, navigation data, traffic sign recognition and information from the intelligent safety assistants (radar and stereo camera) are linked and processed.

ECO Assist takes the following traffic situations and information into account in its driving recommendations and efficiency strategy:

Route profile (bends, junctions, roundabouts, gradients)
Speed limits
Distance from vehicles travelling ahead
ECO Assist continuously generates coasting simulations in the background: depending on the traffic situation, it computes whether the vehicle should ideally be allowed to coast with the lowest possible driving resistance with the drivers foot off the accelerator, or whether it should be decelerated so that the battery can be efficiently charged (recuperation).

Within the limits of the system, ECO Assist controls the overrun according to the situation as soon as the drivers foot leaves the accelerator. The driver is given a discreet prompt to do this by a «foot off accelerator» symbol in the media display (or, if installed, in the head-up display). At the same time, a diagram gives the driver the reason for the recommendation (e.g. «Junction ahead» or «Gradient ahead»).

ECO Assist predictively computes the driving situation when deciding whether to drive with the lowest resistance or whether to recuperate. Examples include dips, brows or speed limits ahead, which the system recognises from the map data.

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Видео о первом грузовике команду «КАМАЗ-мастер» — машине КАМАЗ-4310С. Именно с него началась история многократных побед легендарной спортивной команды.

Выражаем благодарность Пресс-службе команды «КАМАЗ-мастер» за предоставленные видеоматериалы.
YouTube-канал команды «КАМАЗ-мастер» — www.youtube.com/user/kamazmastersport

СССР. Империя наоборот. Россия | History Lab

СССР. Империя наоборот. Россия. Документальный фильм. По заказу АО «ЦТВ». Производство: Студия Град (History Lab). © 2017

В Советском Союзе почти восемьдесят процентов всех товаров производили Россия, Украина и Белоруссия. Остальные двенадцать республик выпускали лишь пятую часть ВВП. Несмотря на это, уровень жизни во многих союзных республиках был значительно выше, чем в среднем по России. В фильме «СССР. Империя наоборот. Россия» советские министры и очевидцы событий расскажут, как была устроена система экономической взаимопомощи и кто получил от нее самые большие дивиденды.

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