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In this video im restoring an antique Stanley hand plane.
My friend has found this very old Stanley hand plane at the steel waste. When I saw it the first time at his place I wanted to restore it immediately, so I bought it for $10. This Stanley no. 122 hand plane was manufactured from 1877 until 1918, its at least 101 years old. This plane is from the „liberty bell“ series, they were first produced in 1876 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the American Declaration of Independence (1776). Thats the reason why the liberty bell is imprinted on the lever cap.
As Im not a woodworker at all and Ive never used a hand plane before in my life, I had to do a lot of research how this thing even works to understand the function of each part. It turned out that the iron and the backing iron were assembled wrongly and there was also one part missing, which holds both of these parts together. As the iron was an original Stanley part, it wasnt the correct one for this plane. The bigger hole in the slot was on the wrong end, thats why I made a new one.
I tried to keep as many parts as possible original on this restoration. I only replaced two small screws, made the missing part and a new iron.
I hope you like my work and the video.
Huge thank you to all of my Patreon and PayPal supporters and specially to:
Noelle Sophy
Matthew Holcomb
Adel AlSaffar
Alan Hanson
Amanda Taylor, Esq
Andreswara Hermawan
Andrew Phillips
Courtney Maleport
Dan Williams
Jonas Richartz
Mellissa Marcus
Paul Ambry
Paul Mampilly
Trevor Kam
TRG Restoration
Vince Valenti
Zachary Grimes
00:00 preview
00:37 disassembling
02:08 showing all the parts
02:24 cleaning the parts with the parts washer
02:40 removing the old paint with paint stripper
03:13 soaking the parts in rust remover
03:28 washing the wooden parts with warm soapy water
03:47 showing the cleaned parts
03:55 restoring the wooden body
05:59 removing the stuck thread
06:27 restoring the cast body
06:53 restoring the lever cap
07:06 restoring the lever
07:30 restoring the lever cap screw
07:47 sandblasting
09:01 applying filler
09:29 applying two component primer
09:42 applying two component black coat
10:05 restoring the shaft with slot
10:39 restoring the pin from the lever
11:00 making a new iron on the milling machine
12:22 hardening and tempering the iron
13:30 restoring the backing iron
14:02 restoring the depth adjuster part
14:29 restoring the nut
14:53 making the missing part on the lathe
15:51 making the three small parts black
16:10 restoring the wooden knob
17:05 restoring the big screw from the wooden knob
17:27 replacing the two small screws
17:54 showing all the parts before reassembling
18:12 reassembling
20:16 showing the finished restoration
21:17 final test
Time and costs of this restoration:
I was working on this project for 2.5 weeks
$10 hand plane
$40 painting (primer and black coat)
$5 steel for the iron
$1 two small screws
My camera:
Panasonic HC-V180
If you have any questions about the process, machines im using or other stuff, just ask me in the comments. I read them all and i try to reply as soon as possible.
Sorry for my bad english, its not my language. I try my best to improve my technical english.
Subscribe for more of my content. Im uploading videos about mechanical stuff, as new creations and buildings and also restorations.
Мой первый опыт в обработке меди на токарном станке. Достаточно коварный металл. Но у меня получилось выточить из меди непростые детали для будущего самодельного мини-пылесоса на аккумуляторах. Получились медные контакты для самодельной батарейки.
Проходной резец: ali.pub/4kvnx2
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In this edition we will satisfy our minds with some seriously skilled workers who execute their jobs with precision and style. Here at Quantum Tech HD, we bring you the best and most educational clips of workers from all over the globe, who possess serious talent at their chosen craft. Everything from pressure washers to paint protectors, this video is packed with great ideas and techniques to entertain and educate you.
We hope you enjoy this review ofWorkers Doing Their Job Perfectly!
Disclaimer: Quantum Tech HD is not affiliated with the businesses whose products are shown in this review. Any trademarks depicted are the property of their respective owners.
Астрономы из Массачусетского технологического института зарегистрировали повторяющийся сигнал с расстояния 500 миллионов световых лет. Такие сигналы называются быстрыми радиовсплесками, и, как правило, случаи их появления единичны. Никто не знает, откуда они исходят, но, предположительно, источниками могут быть сверхновые звезды или вспышки энергии с квазаров. Однако этот радиовсплеск, пойманный астрономами, не может не пугать своей периодичностью: в течение 4 дней радиооборудование все время фиксирует сигналы, а затем они резко прекращаются. Но через 12 дней все повторяется: через 4 дня постоянных радиовсплесков наступают 12 дней тишины.
Астрономам удалось определить, что сигнал исходит от галактики, находящейся от нас на расстоянии полмиллиарда световых лет. Каковы причины такого явления, до сих пор неизвестно. Виновником может быть вращающийся квазар или сверхмассивная черная дыра, но не исключены и инопланетные технологии. Кстати говоря, в одной только галактике Млечный путь может быть около 6 миллиардов планет земного типа. Последние данные показали, что у каждой 5 солнцеподобной звезды в своей зоне обитаемости может быть по крайней мере одна планета. Итак, приготовьтесь! Представляем вам самые захватывающие новости из космоса!
Quick video about making my first Dagger. Skipped over many steps I have shown in previous uploads, if you want to see a longer version click below!
Part 1: youtu.be/2XQ624Vu9OI
Part 2: youtu.be/n77pYQN3Ysw
I listed some of the stuff I use for my projects in this amazon storefront: www.amazon.com/shop/blackbeardprojects
Its affiliate marketing, so if you order something from here youll help the channel for free! Thank you!
Disassembling and full restoration of Red Wing 8111 Iron Ranger boots.
Инстаграмм: www.instagram.com/bootfury/
Вы увидите, как разобрать обувь на части, сделать новую обувную колодку, аналогичную оригиналу, как заменить износившиеся детали, изменив размер и полноту. Классический рант с экспериментальной дополнительной гидроизоляцией.
Композиция «I Am Running Down the Long Hallway of Viewmont Elementary» принадлежит исполнителю Chris Zabriskie. Лицензия: Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Оригинальная версия: chriszabriskie.com/honor/.
Исполнитель: chriszabriskie.com/
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